Our Solutions

At Blue Earth Agency, our team of experts are dedicated to helping Solar Contractor businesses effectively market their products and services while scaling to new levels of growth. We are excited to begin working with you and helping you to achieve your unique business goals.

We Provide SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization is the foundation for any business’ online presence. Our team at Blue Earth Agency has maintained a focus on SEO as our primary area of expertise. We know what works, and what doesn’t and we have the experience to provide real results. We prioritize SEO friendly content and both on-site and off-site improvements to help increase your ranking across all areas of the world-wide web.

Don't Fall Behind!

Get ahead of your Competition with SEO!

It’s next to impossible to move your business forward if your website is the one thing holding you back.

0 %

Of clicks in the first page are accounted for the first five organic results.

0 %

Of marketing executives say on-page content development was the most effective SEO tactic.

0 +

Words is the average content length of the top position in Google search results.

PPC (Paid advertising)

Paid advertising is a powerful way to ratchet up your online marketing. PPC can be a great way to reach your target audience in a focused and efficient way. Though PPC can be a daunting task for those without the experience to know what’s working and what is simply a waste of money, we have you covered. At Blue Earth Agency, we live for a good ad campaign! We design and launch your advertising strategy with a research-based approach to deliver the best results possible and skyrocket your sales.

Contact us today for a free strategy session to discuss your new, effective marketing solutions and skyrocket your sales.

Graphics Design

Graphic design is a form of communication between your business and your audience. Having your graphics done by a creative and skilled graphic designer to visually tell your story and brand will help you stand out from your competitors.

Website Development

In web design, we strike a balance between function and form.

Our web designers employ a holistic design strategy that delivers a wonderful user experience. Your new website will feature a visually appealing color palette, clear CTAs, crisp images, and icons consistent with your brand image.

The uncluttered layout will pave the way for maximum conversions. The menus are intuitive, and the layout points the user toward the desired action.

A website must appeal to your visitors & should be unique to your business so it’s memorable. We achieve this by:

  • Designing to enhance your message to make it easy to consume with the right flow to entice your visitors to keep reading.

  • Designed to convert visitors into leads & sales by using psychological drivers to position you as the trusted authority in your niche.

When You Order a New Website Design

here’s what we deliver…

A site designed by our world-class- design team dedicated to you and trusted by many high profile influencers and brands.

A completely unique & custom professional website design with brand personality that’s aligned with your vision. We do not use templates.

A site designed to raise your profile and attract your ideal customers.

A site designed using psychological persuasive drivers to influence your visitors to take action.

A site designed with a layout & hierarchy that is clear & easy to understand.

After sending the first draft, our clients are entitled to 2 rounds of revisions.

A site designed to suit responsive coding for any platform, including WordPress, ClickFunnels, Wix, etc.

Once you approve the designs, we package the final design files with instructions for the developer of your choice (Yours or Ours), ready to start coding.

You also get the ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ on all the designs that we create for you.


Book a 15-minute discovery session with us below.

Find out how we can help you achieve your business goals today