Feeling stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed in your business?

Lacking clarity and confidence in your marketing?

We Help... Start-Ups, Small-Businesses, Coaches, and Entrepreneurs
We Offer... Success, Freedom, Confidence, and Peace of Mind
We Deliver... More Clients, Customers, Leads, and Sales

Custom Websites

Build a powerful base with our web design services. Your digital portal will have a clean layout, clear calls-to-action, and beautiful graphics. Your site will be designed to convert.


Advertise your products and services online with Google Pay-Per-Click Ads! An effective ad campaign comes down to the experience and strategy of the agency and we have that covered!


Get to the first page of Google search with Search Engine Optimization! With the right keywords and strategy, we can run an SEO campaign to outrank your competitors in your area.

Social Media Ads

Leverage the power of Facebook and Instagram paid advertising. This is a smart investment to make in your business and Social Media is capable of high returns from a very targeted audience.

Customer Reviews

My Profits skyrocketed up to 5x this month!

We first contacted Blue Earth Agency when looking to upgrade our business’s website. We sat down with Ragnar, he listened to what we wanted and we reviewed some other work he’s done. He got started on it and kept me well updated throughout the whole process. When he was finished, I was blown away. It truly represents us, our business and is everything we expected and more. Since then we have reached out for multiple marketing projects and the quality cannot be matched hands down. Our profits this month have skyrocketed up to 5x! I highly recommend Blue Earth Agency!


Eddie Garland

Website Designs

Blue Earth Agency is a quickly growing, high quality, results-driven marketing agency.

We have successfully brought together an experienced team of marketing experts devoted to finding effective digital marketing solutions to serve start-up’s, small businesses, coaches, and entrepreneurs.

Blue Earth Agency has developed an autonomous business culture that is committed to excellence, building lasting relationships, and providing a ton of value and fantastic results.

It is our sincere pleasure to work with businesses around the world to help them achieve the success and freedom they desire, while bringing them confidence in their marketing and peace of mind that they are being taken care of by a team of marketing and advertising experts.

Rank #1 on Search Engines!

If you’re looking for serious business growth, SEO, or search engine optimization is the strategy for you. Why does it work? Simple! It targets the users that are most likely to convert on your website and takes them there.

A custom SEO campaign from Blue Earth Agency provides an all-in-one solution to SEO (on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO), so your most valuable audience finds you online without you investing hours of work.


Good business is all about building great relationships. We are a relationship-based business first and foremost. We focus on people first and profit second. It is a sincere pleasure to assist our clients to scale and realize their potential.

Results & ROI

We focus on excellence and providing results. We increase rankings, traffic, leads and sales. We grow our clients’ bottom line with results-driven digital marketing solutions. Blue Earth Agency exists to help our clients see the impact that digital marketing can have on their bottom line.


We’re confident in the work we do. There’s no secret, we just work extremely hard for our client’s success. Our clients stay with us because we provide results.


We have been developing our digital marketing skills since 2008 and together we have several decades of combined experience and expertise.

Online Analysis & Competitor Report

Click below and get a free Online Analysis & Competitor Report. You deserve to know exactly where your business stands, and what marketing initiatives will be most valuable in achieving your goals.